Welcome to our website dedicated to the Belgian shepherds, especially those black-coated. On our website you will find not only information about our females but also other interesting information about the breed that we like and which is an integral part of our family since 1988. Gradually, we will try our website to complete and improve.
12.5.2024 International dog-show Lodz (Poland)
Daar Qwanny Groenoir - exc.1; CWC/CAC; CACIB; BOB
Claar Suri Groenoir had become officially Champion of San Marino
Daar Qwanny - had passed exam BH-VT , she received 59p. (max.60).
21.4.2024 National dog-show Inowroclaw (Poland)
Daar Qwanny Groenoir : exc.1; CWC/CAC; BOB
23.- 24.3.2024 National and International dog-shows in San Marino
Claar Suri Groenoir : 3 x CAC; 1 x R.CACIB; 1 x BOS; 1 x BOB
- she fulfilled the conditions for the title of champion of San Marino
Daar Qwanny Groenoir : 4 x CAC; 2 x CACIB; 2 x BOB
Photos from lovely holidays in Italian Dolomites and San Marino you can find in photogallery.
News: our year 2023
21.-22.1.2023 International Dog Shows SAN MARINO
Claar Suri Groenoir: 3 x CAC; 3 x CACIB; 3 x BOB
Daar Qwanny Groenoir: 2 x exc,1; 2 x BOJ; 2x J.CACIB; 1 x "vd"
12.7. Our Ayers-Rock Groenoir has his 11-th Birthday - full of life, full of healthy
18.-20.8. Nationale d´Elevage Aubigny sur Nére (Francie)
Claar Suri Groenoir - CSAU + TAN
Daar Qwanny Groenoir -- NHAT + CSAU; "very good" in young class
Carbon Steel Groenoir - CSAU; "very good" in open class
1.10.2023 - Colourless Shadow Groenoir: successfully passed IGP 1
17.-19.11. International + National Dog Shows Géneve (Switzerland)
Daar Qwanny Groenoir: 3 x CAC; 2 x CACIB; 3 x BOS; she has become Swiss Show Champion
2.-3.12.2023 International Dog Shows Wels (Austria)
Daar Qwanny Groenoir: 2 x CACA; 1 x CACIB; 1 x res.CACIB; 1 x BOB
We wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2023 !
22.12.2022 - I still cannot find time for actualization of my pages, so here are the most important thinks of last several months:
June - at last we decided to keep our the only born female from D litter at home
August - there had been born 7 puppies in Austria (3 males + 4 females) from our Rocky (kennel Brewdog)
11.08.2022 - our beloved lady Darqueen des Perles Noires died (she was 14,5 years), I will miss her forever
September- December - our little lady Daar Qwanny grew up rather quickly, she loves defence training
Although the result of ultrasound examination showed that there would be no puppies, our Claar Suri have had different opinion and during Eastern weekend she gave the birth the only one female puppy. She grows up very quickly, today she is one week old and her weight is over 1 kg.
Our CLAAR SURI has been mated to Eternity's KWANDO in Belgium. In one month we will see on ultrasound...
Photos from our trip you can find HERE.
Eternity's KWANDO and CLAAR SURI Groenoir
Our female CLAAR SURI Groenoir will be mated to fantastic male s.r. MultiCH. Eternitys KWANDO.
For more information, please contact us.
Our Darqueen des Perles Noires is 14 years today! Thanks a lot for possibility to have such fantastic female to the breeder Cecile!
At the end of last year "our" Riki with his owner passed Europian dog-show in Hungary and it was great success (thanks a lot Martina):
Europian dog-show Budapest - exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOS, Europian winner, title Champion of Hungary
Colourless Shadow Groenoir passed several working exams during last two months. We are very proud of him and his owner Martina.
Colourless Shadow Groenoir and Claar Suri had become Champion of Austria.
Ayers-Rock Groenoir has become Veteran Champion of Austria.
Carbon Steel Groenoir passed several shows in Switzerland and received title Swiss beauty Champion.
Claar Suri had become Champion of Switzerland.
Ayers-Rock Groenoir finished his title Veteran champion of Poland.
We went to Polish International Dog-show in Leszno. Our CLAAR SURI Groenoir received "exc.1, CWC, CACIB, BOS" and she has met the conditions for receiving title "Champion of Poland" and also for title "Interchampion C.I.E." Our Rocky (AYERS-ROCK Groenoir) was the only one male in veteran class - and received "exc.1; Veteran winner, Best veteran". We are very proud of both of them.
COLOURLESS SHADOW Groenoir passed another exam - ZOP. Thanks to owner.
Our Claar Suri and her litter-brothers Carbon Steel and Colourless Shadow had been successfully judged by Club comittee and now all three can be used in breeding.
from the left: Carbon Steel, Claar Suri and Colourless Shadow Groenoir
- on Saturday Colourless Shadow Groenoir successfully passed exam ZM (tracks, obediece, defence), Thanks to his owner Martina for all the time what she gives him all the time. And I guess this is just beginning of their training....
18.2.2021 just because our dogs love snow I add actual "snow" photos of them
Thank you Cécile for trusting me and making me very happy with this fantastic "girl".
Last weekend we passed international dog-shows in Tulln (Austria). Results of our Claar Suri Groenoir and her brother Colourless Shadow (male of our friend Martina) are just fantastic for us:
Saturday 26.9. (judge: Mme. Olga Sinko Kupriyanova, SLO):
Colourless Shadow - exc.1, CACA, CACIB, Cruft´s qualification, BOB Claar Suri - exc.1; CACA, CACIB, Cruft´s qualification, BOS
Sunday 27.9. (judge: Mme. Maria-Luise Doppelreiter, A):
Colourless Shadow - exc.1, CACA, CACIB, BOS Claar Suri - exc.1; CACA, CACIB,BOB, Bundessieger
At night from 25.7. to 26.7. there have been born puppies from our Rocky (Ayers-Rock Groenoir) and Leia (Royal Groenendael Brewdog LEA). In litter there are 7 puppies - 4 males and 3 females. Mother and all pupps are doing well. Thanks Jasmin to using our Rocky, he is again very proud father! We are looking forward to meet puppies in next several weeks.
After long time we passed International dog-shows in Nitra (Slovakia). During prolonged weekend our dogs passed three international dog-shows with really fantastic results:
Friday 17.7.2020 (judge Mr. Tibor Havelka):
Claar Suri Groenoir - Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOS
Colourless Shadow Groenoir - Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
Saturday 18.7.2020 (judge Mrs. Gabriela Ridarčíková):
Claar Suri Groenoir - Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
Colourless Shadow Groenoir - Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOS
Sunday 19.7.2020 (judge Mr. Vladimír Piskay):
Claar Suri Groenoir - Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
Colourless Shadow Groenoir - Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOS
12.7.2020 - our Rocky is today 8 years old so our "A" litter has Birthday! Thank you to all owners of our dogs for loving care whole life!
We had received perfect news from Austria. Female Royal Groenendael Brewdog LEA is pregnant (confirmed by ultrasound). So our Rocky will be proud father again.
21.6.2020 - after long time I add several news what happened here. We had many plans but because of Corona-virus here are only a few information from us:
26.+27.5.2020 - Rocky mated austrian female with fantastic temper and very interesting pedigree Royal Groenendael Brewdog LEA. Now we are waiting very unpatiently for result of ultrasound.
31.5.2020 COLOURLESS SHADOW Groneoir has successfully passed BH-VT (56 pts.), congratulation to Riki and his owner Martina.
16.6.2020 - our litter C celebrated second birthday! I can only wish all puppies - so quickly adult - very lovely life. Here they are two years ago.
CARBON STEEL Groenoir and his owner came for a visit at the end of February. Carbon has become a very lovely young male. But the most important are X-ray results: He has HD A/A; ED 0/0. We are very happy that our puppies are healthy.
6.2.2020 - DARQUEEN des Perles Noires has a birthday today.
She is now 12 years old, still full of life, full of energy. We are very happy we have her.
We had passed our first international dog show this year in Lubin (Poland) with our Suri and her brother Riki. And results was again really fantastic for us:
Claar Suri Groenoir - exc.1, CWC, res. CACIB
Clourless Shadow Groenoir - exc.1, CWC, CACIB, BOB
Baron-Touché Groenoir Colourless Shadow Groenoir
Century Sun Groenoir
Results from dog-shows of Ricky (Colourless Shadow Groenoir)
Twice International dog-shows in Wels (Austria):
7.12.2019: very good 1 (judge: M.L. Doppelreiter - Austria)
8.12.2019: exc.1, CACA, CACIB, BOB (judge: Elena Agafonova - Italy)
Twice international dog-shows in Prague:
30.11.2019 - exc.1, CAJC, BOS (judge: Hana Pisarčíková)
1.12.2019 - very good 1 (Alexandra Grygarová)
Colourless Shadow has become Junior Champion CZ!
We add several results from autumn dog-shows of our CLAAR SURI Groenoir:
Twice International dog-show in Wels (Austria):
7.12.2019: exc.1, CACA, CACIB, BOB (judge: M.L. Doppelreiter - Austria)
8.12.2019: exc.1, CACA, CACIB (Elena Agafonova - Italy)
International dog-show in Prague:
30.11.2019 - exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB (judge: Hana Pisarčíková)
1.12.2019 - very good (Alexandra Grygarová)
We spent prolonged weekend in Geneva (Swiss), our Suri passed several dog shows with with fantadtic results:
15.11.2019 National dog-show - exc.1, CAC, BOB (judge: Petru Muntean - RO)
15.11.2019 International dog-show - exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB (Boris Chapiro - FR)
16.11.2019 International dog-show - exc.1, CAC, Res. CACIB (Antoaneta Penková - BG)
17.11.2019 International dog-show - exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOS (Ejima Yamakado Chi - JP)
CLAAR SURI Groenoir has become Champion Suisse d´exposition!
We received fantastic result of X-ray for our CLAAR SURI - HD A/A; ED A/A. We are very happy.
16.10.2019 - main news from shows
On Czech International dog-show in Ceske Budejovice was shown COLOURLESS SHADOW Groenoir in young class, he has become very lovely male and received exc.1, CAJC, BOJ.
On September we passed National dog-show in Poland, CLAAR SURI Groenoir received exc.1, CWC, BOB.
During last August weekend we were at Special Nationale Elevage 2019 of Belgian sheepdogs in France. CARBON STEEL Groenoir received „excellent 3“ in young class (judge: Mr.Denis Descamps). On Sunday CARBON succesfully passed test CANT. His sister – our CLAAR SURI was totally out of coat and she recieved in young class „very good“ (judge: Mr.Denis Descamps).
We had a very successful Sunday. Our Claar Suri was shown in Wels (Austria) at International dog-show "Austrian winner 2019" in young class. Suri won her class and she bacame the Best Junior. After all she received title BOB.
Several days ago we met litter brother of our Suri - CANDY SCREAM Groenoir. You can see some photos in his photoalbum.
Claar Suri, Banshee-Tiffany a Candy Scream
Today we passed dog-show (International dog-show in Litomerice). Our CLAAR SURI received in young class "excellent 2" (from 2 females), her litter-brother CARBON STEEL Groenoir was "excellent 1, CAJC" - I am very happy for him.
We had visited sister of our Claar Suri - a female CENTURY SUN Groenoir at her home. She became very lovely elegant young lady with very nice temper. Both sisters played a lot and I can only thank to Centurie´s owners Sarka and Pavel - they are fantastic people and loves "our" girl a lot. New photos of both females you can find in photosalbum of Century Sun.
After long time we take our young lady to the show (International dog-show in Prague). Our CLAAR SURI received in young class "excellent 2" (from 2 females), her litter-brother CLOURLESS SHADOW Groenoir was "excellent 1, CAJC" - I am very happy for him.